By using this awesome emacs packages:

I am now able to use emacs to write blog posts without the burden of the heavy-weighted wordpress, although my current workflow still has room to improve.

One thing I notice is that Hugo does accept .org file as blog post (and it has less pain than .md file, in terms of mathemtical equation typing). With that, it seems that ox-hugo is not very useful in my case.

Current workflow

  • Use M-x easy-hugo + n (or easy-hugo-newpost) to create a new post (end with .org).
  • To preview the post, run hugo server -D in terminal and monitor http://localhost:1313/.
  • To deploy the site in production (publish online), simply run easy-hugo-publish, it shall sync with my server and update load every incrementally (as is advertised in rsync).

Tweak on deploy

Option 1 — rclone

An easy but not semi-automatic way to deploy will be using rclone (my first attempt). To do so, we need two steps:

  1. publish the site (on your local machine), one need to run

    > hugo

    This will "compile" org files into htmls, the final result will be at public folder under the hugo base folder).

  2. To deploy the site (publish online), we can run

    > rclone public myserver:remote/folder/to/hugo/

    where you need to specific myserver in your ~/.ssh/config file.

Option 2 — rsync

Yet easy-hugo does have a routine called easy-hugo-publish, which relies on rsync. To enable using rsync, we need to

  1. Install rsync on server side by

    $ apt install rsync
  2. Install the correct version of rsync and ssh, that is cwrysnc. After installation, we need to ensure that PATH is set correctly so that rsync and ssh are both using the ones from cwrsync.
  3. To reduce ssh login, I need to ssh-keygen the RSA key and copy the public key to the authorized_keys on remote ~/.ssh/ folder.
  4. Modify the easy-hugo.el Line 707. Function shell-quote-argument is actually not suitable for Windows user. After modifying the code, we need to run M-x byte-compile to compile the lisp code.

Configuration in .emacs

(use-package easy-hugo
  :ensure t
  (setq easy-hugo-basedir "path/to/your/local/hugo/folder/")
  (setq easy-hugo-url "http://URL/to/your/remote/hugo/site/")
  (setq easy-hugo-sshdomain "your_remote_server_domain_name")
  (setq easy-hugo-root "path/to/your/remote/hugo/folder/")
  (setq easy-hugo-previewtime "300")
  (setq easy-hugo-default-ext ".org")
  (setq easy-hugo-org-header t)
  (define-key global-map (kbd "C-c C-e") 'easy-hugo)